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Blog Articles

What to Expect at Your Next Physical Exam

What to Expect at Your Next Physical Exam

If you haven’t taken a physical exam recently, you might wonder what information and paperwork to bring. Here’s how to prepare for your next appointment
Jun 18th, 2024
Does My Child Have a Rash or Eczema?

Does My Child Have a Rash or Eczema?

It’s a common occurrence; your child shows up with a sudden rash. Whether or not it’s simply a common heat rash or a condition like eczema is something a doctor should diagnose.
May 1st, 2024
Help for COPD

Help for COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) makes breathing hard for millions of Americans. Although COPD is a life-long illness, there are things you can do to make breathing easier.
Jan 1st, 2024
I Have Diabetes — Will My Children? 

I Have Diabetes — Will My Children? 

It’s natural to worry about what you’ll pass onto your children, including potential health conditions or diseases. Here’s what you need to know about diabetes and genetic predisposition. 
Dec 5th, 2023
What's Included in a Return-to-Work Plan?

What's Included in a Return-to-Work Plan?

Have you been injured or become unable to work because of an illness? If so, you may need help with a return-to-work plan that takes into account your new level of ability.
Nov 1st, 2023

Does Eating Healthily Really Matter?

Doctors have been stressing the importance of a balanced diet for decades, but which foods are considered healthy keeps changing. What’s the truth?
Oct 3rd, 2023
Everything No One Told You About Acupuncture

Everything No One Told You About Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been presented in film and on TV as either a bunch of quackery or a mystical cure-all. Here’s what you really need to know about this alternative treatment.
Aug 7th, 2023
Menopause and Osteoporosis: What's the Connection?

Menopause and Osteoporosis: What's the Connection?

As people age, specific health conditions that affect both sexes can become more prominent in women, particularly when they reach the menopause transition. Osteoporosis is one of these conditions.
May 16th, 2023
7 Steps to Help You Reverse Prediabetes

7 Steps to Help You Reverse Prediabetes

If prediabetes is detected early enough, you can avoid diabetes with a few lifestyle changes. Here are seven specific steps to help you reverse prediabetes with lifestyle changes.
Mar 14th, 2023
4 Differences Between Women's and Men's Health Care

4 Differences Between Women's and Men's Health Care

Primary care is critical for prevention and treatment of illness in both men and women, but the types of illnesses most likely in each population can differ greatly, meaning preventive care can vary.
Feb 16th, 2023
Important Benefits of an Annual Physical

Important Benefits of an Annual Physical

Think your annual physical is just a rote activity that doesn’t really affect your life? Think again. Making sure to book your physical and keep that appointment might just save your life.
Oct 11th, 2022
4 Ways to Prevent Lung Cancer in Men

4 Ways to Prevent Lung Cancer in Men

Lung cancer is often called the silent killer because it often isn’t found until it’s progressed to an advanced stage. Men are slightly more likely to contract it than women, and need to be vigilant to prevent lung cancer.
Sep 6th, 2022
5 Encouraging Facts About Kidney Disease

5 Encouraging Facts About Kidney Disease

Kidney disease can be a serious, progressive illness that threatens your life, but there are many things you can do and treatments you can pursue to slow its progression.
Jul 3rd, 2022
How Your Health Needs Change As You Get Older

How Your Health Needs Change As You Get Older

As you age, your health needs a little more oversight and attention to identify issues as early as possible and provide appropriate treatment. Seeing your doctor every year is a must.
Jun 8th, 2022
How Often Does My Newborn Need to See the Doctor?

How Often Does My Newborn Need to See the Doctor?

Being a new parent is exciting and nerve wracking all at once. There’s a whirlwind of things to do, from buying baby supplies you didn’t think about to making and keeping doctor appointments.
May 4th, 2022
Getting Started with Managing Your Diabetes

Getting Started with Managing Your Diabetes

It’s never too late to improve your health, and managing your diabetes is the best thing you can do. If you’re overwhelmed by the prospect, here’s how you can get started.
Feb 6th, 2022
Tips for At-Home Breast Exams

Tips for At-Home Breast Exams

It’s never too late or too early to begin administering breast exams, and one at-home evaluation might just save your life. Sharing information could protect someone you love.
Jan 4th, 2022
Why You Need a Pediatrician on Your Team

Why You Need a Pediatrician on Your Team

If you have children or plan on having children, having a family doctor with pediatric experience on your team can make things much easier — especially as your child gets older, since they won’t have to switch doctors.
Dec 8th, 2021
Myths and Facts About MS

Myths and Facts About MS

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, manifests in cycles, with periods of remission followed by flares that can make life extremely difficult. However, many people live long, fulfilling lives with MS. So why all the myths?
Nov 7th, 2021
How Integrative Medicine Works

How Integrative Medicine Works

For people who have chronic conditions or multiple health problems with complex and sometimes opposing treatment plans, integrative medicine helps doctors and patients see the bigger picture.
Oct 6th, 2021
Chronic Care Management for Your Arthritis

Chronic Care Management for Your Arthritis

Arthritis doesn’t have to loom like a painful spectre over your entire life. With chronic care management, you can get the support and treatment you need to manage pain and improve mobility.
Sep 7th, 2021
The Importance of Women's Health Exams

The Importance of Women's Health Exams

The female body has a lot of unique needs, which is why you need a physician who understands them. Here’s why women’s health exams are important, and what to expect from your visit.
Aug 11th, 2021

How Pediatrics Can Help with Behavioral Care

If your child is having trouble in the classroom, it’s best to intervene early in their schooling. Your pediatrician can help determine the cause of their problem and give them the support they need.
Jul 7th, 2021

The Dangers of Falling When You Grow Older

For children and young adults, falling down might seem inconsequential. For seniors, a fall could mean serious injury, broken bones, hospitalization, and even a loss of independence.
Jun 17th, 2021

Understanding Your Birth Control Options

Birth control has made it possible for women to take control of their sex lives, their fertility, and their futures. Here’s what you need to know about your contraception options.
May 4th, 2021

Top 5 Diabetes Management Techniques

Living with diabetes can be difficult, but establishing good habits can make things easier. Here are five of the best management techniques to add to your everyday routine for better blood sugar control.
Mar 4th, 2021

Myths and Facts About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is surrounded by mystique. What’s the real deal on acupuncture, and could this innovative alternative treatment be right for you? Find out what’s myth and what’s fact when it comes to acupuncture.
Feb 3rd, 2021

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Skip Your Annual Physical

Annual physicals might seem like a formality, but they’re actually a vital part of maintaining your health. Here’s why you shouldn’t skip yours, and should instead schedule it as soon as possible.
Jan 1st, 2021

Common Behavioral Issues in Children

Is your child’s behavior disrupting school or home life? If your child seems truly unable to control themselves, and they’re becoming violent, it might be time to seek professional help for their behavioral issues.
Dec 1st, 2020

What Every Woman Should Know about Heart Disease

If you’re a woman, a heart attack probably isn’t the health condition you worry the most about. However, it’s still a main cause of death for women, and your symptoms could be subtler than you think.
Nov 12th, 2020

What Conditions are Considered Chronic?

Is your life continually impacted in a negative way by ill health? You might have a chronic condition. Chronic care patients need ongoing support to stay as healthy as possible and keep symptoms under control.
Oct 8th, 2020

How Often Should My Child Have a Check-Up?

Are you trying to fit in children’s health check-ups in between dealing with their educational needs, hobbies, and your own workload or studies? Here’s what you need to know about your child’s wellness schedule.
Sep 8th, 2020

What to Expect during My Annual Physical

Have you had a recent and complete evaluation of your health? An annual physical exam allows you and your doctor to be proactive about your health and head off potentially harmful conditions.
Aug 14th, 2020

Primary Care and COVID-19: What You Should Know

Are you due for an appointment with your primary care physician, but still worried about entering healthcare spaces due to COVID-19? Find out which appointments should be kept and what can safely be postponed.
Jul 16th, 2020

5 Tips to Help Your Child Stay Safe this Summer

We all want our kids to be safe as they experience the world, but it can be hard to know when we are protecting and when we are “helicoptering.” Here are five tips to help you keep your children safe this summer.
Jun 10th, 2020

The Many Benefits of Integrative Medicine

Is traditional medicine not providing you with the type of whole health support you need and desire? Do you wish there was a holistic way to support your wellness? Integrative medicine might be the answer.
Apr 16th, 2020

Get the Jump on Managing Spring Allergies

Does the onset of spring bring more misery than joy? You could be suffering from seasonal spring allergies, thanks to the increased amount of pollen in the air. Natural remedies can help alleviate your discomfort.
Mar 6th, 2020

9 Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Heart Disease

It’s American Heart Month, and what better time to think about how the choices you make impact your health? Here are nine tips you can use to help improve your heart health and stay healthy all year.
Feb 17th, 2020

How a Pap Smear Can Save Your Life

Cervical cancer awareness month is an opportunity to increase awareness of how women can best protect themselves. Pap tests are the best tool for detecting cervical cancer early and preventing it altogether.
Jan 21st, 2020
For an evaluation of your cholesterol and overall health, call Indus Healthcare, with convenient locations in Los Angeles and

Is High Cholesterol Causing Your Chest Pain?

Is high cholesterol the culprit when you develop angina? High cholesterol rarely has symptoms of its own, but it’s a major contributor to atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Dr. Amit Paliwal of Indus Healthcare explains why it could be.
Dec 17th, 2019

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine

Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.
Feb 20th, 2024