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How Often Should My Child Have a Check-Up?

Everyone should get a physical once a year, including children. However, while adults may not otherwise require the attention of a doctor, children need more frequent check-ups to ensure their development is on track.

Dr. Amit Reenu Paliwal provides regular well-child visits to pediatric patients at Indus Healthcare. He has three offices, in Pomona, West Covina, and Montclair, California. He works with you to fit each of your child’s needed visits into your busy schedule.

What is a well-child visit?

A well-child visit helps track your child’s developmental progress. During your child’s first year of life, they need to have well-child check-ups on the following timeline:

Most of these visits will dovetail with your child’s carefully spaced vaccination schedule. Dr. Paliwal will do a complete physical exam, check your child’s vision, hearing, and reflexes, and ask you questions about what activities your child is able to do.

The next visits will be scheduled at the ages of:

By the age of three, we’ll see your child for one well-child check-up per year, plus visits any time you have a health concern.

Typical child development

When looking at your child’s development, it's important to remember that averages are just averages. Every child is unique, and your child could hit significant markers months before or after the "typical age."

Don't panic if your child is a little ahead or behind the following guidelines. If you do have worries about your child's development, ask Dr. Paliwal for more information. He can recommend any screenings that could rule out potential issues and help ease your mind over your child's progress.

Common developmental milestones include:

Six month mark:

12-month mark:

2-year mark:

4-year mark:

Again, all children are different, so you can’t expect your child to perfectly line up with other people’s children, or even their own siblings. Chances are your child will be a little ahead of the curve on some things, and a little behind on others.

By making and keeping each well-child check-up appointment, you ensure we can act quickly if needed to help your child overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.

If you would like your child to have a check-up with Dr. Paliwal, call the location closest to you, or schedule an appointment online today.

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