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How Do I Know If My Child Needs a Behavior Specialist?

How Do I Know If My Child Needs a Behavior Specialist?

It’s normal to feel responsible for your child’s behavior. You might feel added pressure as a parent if your kids begin to misbehave or fall behind their peers. Discerning the difference between normal childhood challenges and concerning or aberrant behavior is important, as it can let you know if your child needs professional help. 

At Indus Healthcare, with offices in Pomona, West Covina, and Montclair, California, Dr. Amit Reenu Paliwal and his experienced team offer a full range of pediatric care, including help for children with behavioral problems.  

Common behavioral concerns 

Every child is different, but most go through the same phases. This is a natural part of human development, and every challenge is a learning opportunity for both you and your children. 

However, not all challenges should be handled alone. If you’re noticing worrisome, self-destructive, or violent patterns in your child’s behavior and don’t know how to help them, a specialist can provide the insight and tools you need to work through the issue. 

Behavioral problems in children can range from temper tantrums to depression. Here are some common concerns that are worth bringing up to a doctor. 


Most children feel some level of discomfort being separated from their parents or trying new things. When their anxiety becomes persistent and overwhelming, they need an adult to help them make sense of their feelings and cope with the fear. 

Oppositional behavior 

As children learn about their own freedom and autonomy, they learn to say no. This is a common challenge for parents, but a necessary one. However, purposefully spiteful, rebellious, or antagonizing behavior might indicate something is seriously wrong with how your child relates to other people. 

Attention-deficit or hyperactive behavior 

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common disorders in children. Common symptoms of ADHD include daydreaming, fidgeting, and struggling with organization.  If your child is struggling in school, an ADHD screening should be a primary step.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Trauma can have a deep effect on a child. Nightmares, triggers, and mood swings are all common following a traumatic event. It’s in their best interest that they work through these issues with a professional early in life. 

Disorderly conduct

Most children are taught not to steal, hit, or destroy things from a young age, but it’s not uncommon for some to struggle with these concepts. If they’re getting older and don’t stop this behavior,  or become more aggressive with their conduct, intervention is vital. 


Depression isn’t limited to teenagers and adults. Children with depression often behave sluggishly and without enthusiasm, sleeping more and eating less. These symptoms can be caused by a chemical imbalance, or be a result of abuse.

When to consult a specialist 

In this digital age, there are many resources online to help you understand your child’s behavior and help them to become more self-aware and able to modify their actions in healthy ways. Many minor disruptive behaviors have a fairly simple solution.

However, when it comes to behavioral problems like ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and disorderly conduct, you’re best off consulting a behavioral specialist. Such problems are often more complex than they might seem, and an experienced third party can help you better understand and help your child. 

To get in touch with Dr. Paliwal and his team at Indus Healthcare, call the location closest to you, or visit the contact page for more information.

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