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Important Benefits of an Annual Physical

Important Benefits of an Annual Physical

Do you consider your annual physical as an annoyance or something you can blow off? You’d be wrong. Your yearly checkup is when your doctor gets a chance to measure key wellness metrics against your baseline, identifying any health issues before they have a chance to develop into serious problems.

Indus Healthcare has three locations throughout Pomona, West Covina, and Montclair, California. Dr. Amit Reenu Paliwal performs annual physicals for men and women to ensure he’s providing the best possible medical care at all times to keep you in optimal health.

Important benefits of annual physicals

There are many ways an annual physical exam can benefit your overall health and wellness. These include but aren’t limited to:

Early detection of potentially serious issues

We all know to visit our doctor when something is obviously wrong: a potential broken bone, a strained back, or a persistent cough and fever. However, there are plenty of conditions that can start emerging without any symptoms; Dr. Paliwal can discover issues with your health that you had no idea were starting to crop up. Problems caught early are easier to treat and have better outcomes.

Established medical history

Your annual physical gives your doctor a chance to establish a baseline and track changes in your health year after year. For example, if your blood pressure is suddenly higher than your usual, Dr. Paliwal can order appropriate tests to ensure the cause isn’t something life-threatening, and prescribe appropriate medication or other treatment. He can also use your personal history and your familial history to make future health predictions and assess your risk for genetically linked conditions such as breast cancer or Alzheimer’s.

Updated vaccinations

Even adults need the occasional vaccination booster or annual shot, or you might need specific immunizations before you travel. Your annual physical is the perfect time to make sure you’re protected against things like the flu, tetanus, or a whole host of other diseases. 

Nervous about your annual physical?

You’ve really got no reason to be afraid of an annual physical. It’s just a comprehensive look at all aspects of your health and shouldn't take more than about an hour a year unless Dr. Paliwal thinks you’ll benefit from additional testing.

Here’s what you can expect from your physical:

Ready for your annual physical? Schedule a visit with Dr. Paliwal by calling the location closest to you, or visit the contact page for more options. 

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