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Everything No One Told You About Acupuncture

Everything No One Told You About Acupuncture

Have your friends been raving about acupuncture, but you’re still on the fence about it? That’s OK; there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about this practice. However, using acupuncture as a supplementary health care practice is supported by solid scientific evidence.

 Indus Healthcare has three locations throughout Pomona, West Covina, and Montclair, California. Dr. Amit Reenu Paliwal offers a broad range of integrative and functional treatments, including acupuncture, as a supplement to the benefits of traditional Western medicine.

Everything no one told you about acupuncture

For everyone still wondering if acupuncture is the real deal, here’s what TV and film don’t reveal.

Surprise: acupuncture doesn’t hurt

The traditional tap and flinch with each needle applied isn’t really a thing with acupuncture. Since Dr. Paliwal uses such tiny needles (less than one-fifth the size of a hypodermic needle), you shouldn’t feel any pain, even with multiple needles placed during treatment. 

The famous “porcupine face” is a myth 

We’ve all seen the scene where a person receiving acupuncture freaks out because there are hundreds of long spines sprouting from their face. In reality, the average acupuncture treatment requires only 5-20 needles.

Acupuncture is a safe, sterile, and licensed practice

Most North American states require physicians to obtain a license to practice acupuncture. That’s because this is a recognized medical procedure, and has been for some time. Some quick facts:

Getting acupuncture isn’t like going to an amateur tattoo parlor or getting your ears pierced at a department store jewelry counter. It’s an approved form of health care.

Acupuncture isn’t just for “head” problems

A lot of people assume acupuncture is for issues like anxiety or maybe to ease a headache. In fact, doctors use acupuncture to treat a wide range of medical issues, including insomnia, nausea due to pregnancy or chemo, and even respiratory problems.  

Acupuncture actually works — and could be covered by your health plan

In one blind trial of patients with chronic pain, those who received real acupuncture reported an average of 50% reduction in pain levels. Acupuncture is being increasingly approved as a treatment choice by health insurance plans as an effective alternative to opioid treatment, so you should find out if it’s included in your coverage.

Ready to give acupuncture a chance? To book an acupuncture appointment, call the location closest to you, or visit the contact page for more options. 


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