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Myths and Facts About Acupuncture

Have you been hearing or reading about acupuncture, but are unsure if it’s something that could truly benefit you or alleviate any of your symptoms? Acupuncture is a practice that’s surrounded with misinformation and mythology, but it’s actually a scientifically proven, safe, and holistic way to address a range of health problems. 

Indus Healthcare has three locations throughout Pomona, West Covina, and Montclair, California. Dr. Amit Reenu Paliwal offers a range of integrative and functional treatments like acupuncture to help supplement the benefits of traditional medicine.

Here are some of the myths and facts about acupuncture that can help you determine if it could be right for you.

Myth: Acupuncture hurts

Acupuncture on TV looks intimidating — people lying with a face so full of needles they look like they had a bad encounter with a porcupine. That’s got to hurt — right?


Dr. Paliwal uses tiny needles that are less than one-fifth the size of a hypodermic needle. You’ll barely feel a thing, even if he uses multiple needles.

Myth: Acupuncture is “fake” medicine

Many people class acupuncture with other treatments they believe are simply “woo.” Maybe you’ve even seen acupuncture depicted in movies as a way to “access a higher self.”


The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture was founded in 1987, and the FDA designated acupuncture needles as medical devices in 1996. Most North American states require physicians who choose to incorporate acupuncture into their medical practice offerings to have a license to practice acupuncture. 

Myth: Acupuncture only works on a few symptoms

Think acupuncture is only good for easing anxiety or helping you alleviate chronic pain? This barely scratches the surface of acupuncture benefits. 


Acupuncture can help with respiratory problems, insomnia, chemotherapy nausea, and even symptoms of illnesses like arthritis and fibromyalgia.  

Myth: Acupuncture is unsafe 

For some reason, certain people have spread the idea that acupuncture is somehow unhygienic or unsafe. This couldn't be farther from the truth. 


As mentioned, acupuncture needles are considered medical devices. They’re intended for one-time use only, come prepackaged in sterile packaging, and are discarded immediately after use.  

Myth: Acupuncture takes hours

Maybe you think you’ll have to lie flat on your back for ages waiting for the needles in your face to “kick in.” You’d be wrong.


An average acupuncture session typically only takes 15-20 minutes, and the benefits can often be felt immediately.

Ready to give needles a try? To book an acupuncture appointment, call the location closest to you, or visit the contact page for more options. 

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